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Revitalizing Breadfruit

Revitalizing Breadfruit

"The Ho'oulu ka 'Ulu Project.“

Ho'oulu ka 'Ulu is a project to revitalize 'ulu (breadfruit) as an attractive, delicious, nutritious, abundant, affordable, and culturally appropriate food which addresses Hawai'i's food security issues. It is well known that Hawai'i imports about 90% of its food, making it one of the most food insecure states in the nation. Additionally, since the economic downturn of 2008, many families lack access to affordable and nutritious food. We believe that breadfruit is a key to solving Hawaii's food security problems.

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Island Goode's CSA

Island Goode's example CSA share.
Island Goode's example CSA share.

Island Goode’s CSA is owned by Garvin and Laura Goode and operates through their Goode Enterprises Inc. Company. The farm is located on the Hilo-Hamakua Heritage Corridor on Rt. 19 just north of Papa’ikou.

The Goode’s farm encompasses 5 very fertile acres at the 400 foot elevation just off the highway, and has been in operation since 2004. Although not certified organic, the Goodes generally practice organic methods by fertilizing with donkey manure (their 2 donkeys are part of the Kona Nightingale Rescue Project), plus tilapia fish waste water and “Green Alga Technology” which is gravity fed through an open-flow distribution system to their three 20’x50’ greenhouses and some of the field crops. 

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TheGardenTalks: Lissa's kitchen garden transformation

Lissa in her garden before the transformation.

Lissa is busy. Full time mom, wife, worker and avid community volunteer as well as a Qi Gong teacher. In the midst of all this bustle she’d like to have a garden to come home to filled with arugula, cilantro, tomatoes, lettuce and a few herbs. She already has the boxes in place for the garden and a tall fence to keep out the chickens.

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Growing the Next Generation of Farmers

First Nations’ Futures Program is a world-class fellowship program that focuses on community building.

The Fellows of the 2011 First Nations’ Futures Program produced this short documentary as part of their place-based case study project focused on “growing the next generation of farmers.” Through their travels across the State of Hawaiʻi and interactions with farmers, distributors, educators, and policy makers, the Fellows were compelled to produce this video to educate as a means to motivate the general public. The Fellows understand that change is not going to happen overnight but in producing this video they hope to stimulate thought and move the public conversation in the direction of a more sustainable Hawaiʻi.

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A Breadfruit Kind of Day!

Display of breadfruit varieties at chef demonstration tent.
Display of breadfruit varieties at chef demonstration tent.

Results of the Breadfruit Festival 2011 cooking contest

By all accounts, the Breadfruit Festival held this past Saturday, September 24 at the Amy B.H. Greenwell Ethnobotanical Garden in South Kona, was a resounding success. The Cooking Contest was one of the first events of the day, and ended up being quite exciting. We had 29 different entries in the Appetizer, Soups/Salads/Side Dishes, Main Dish/Entrée and Desserts categories.The rules of the contest called for original recipes featuring breadfruit as the main ingredient. 

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Tips on Growing and Harvesting Breadfruit

A breadfruit (on left) at the perfect stage of maturity to harvest.
A breadfruit (on left) at the perfect stage of maturity to harvest.

General information

Breadfruit is traditionally grown in home gardens or integrated mixed agroforestry systems. It is often grown on steep hillsides, especially on the high islands of the Pacific. The trees provide shade, mulch, and a beneficial microclimate and can be planted with a wide array of useful plants.

The spreading surface roots are easily hit and damaged by mowers or other equipment so it is best to keep trees mulched. Provide a complete fertilizer at the beginning and end of the fruiting season to maintain the health and vigor of trees, especially trees that are 10 or more years old.

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Breadfruit Cooking Contest 2011


Breadfruit cooking contest for original recipes

A Cooking Contest at the Breadfruit Festival—Ho‘oulu ka ‘Ulu on Saturday, September 24, 2011 seeks dishes based on original recipes that feature breadfruit as the main ingredient. Celebrity Chefs Mark Tsuchiyama of Hualalai Resort, Olelo pa'a Ogawa of Glow Hawaii and Jacqueline Lau of Roy's Restaurants, will be joined by food writer and cookbook author Sonia R. Martinez and KITV weekend anchor Pamela Young to judge the Cooking Contest. The contest is open to all Hawai‘i Island residents and prizes will be awarded in the categories of Appetizer, Soup/Salad/Side Dish, Main Dish (Entrée), Dessert, Best of Show and Healthiest Choice.

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