Honoka'a, Hamakua

People lined up down the block to enter Honoka’a People’s Theatre on August 27, 2009 for the screening of Food Inc.
Community networking took place before and after the film
Honoka'a People's Theatre was abuzz with activity on August 27 for the screening of Food Inc. Over 200 people attended the event, which was a benefit for more than 25 local organizations promoting sustainability and organic farming. Representatives from these groups filled the lobby and were available before and after the film for lively discussion sharing the initiatives of their organizations. Three tickets were given to each patron to put in donation jars of the organizations of their choice. This represented 40% of the total proceeds.
Food Inc. is a film by Robert Kenner that shows what's behind the production and packaging of the food we eat. It presents not-so-pleasant footage of commercial animal farms and processors and talks about practices in our modern agriculture hidden from the public. The startling accounts from farmers themselves reveal the greed and control of government and big business which has created public health risks and an overall diseased food production system. Cheers from the audience came when one organic farmer in the movie shared his unshakeable farming philosophy; one that honors land, plant life, environment, animals and humans.
After the screening of Food Inc. was open space discussion lead by Councilman Dominic Yagong who spoke briefly about Bill 132 urging local residents to support it. Bill 132 requires County Council approval of any land sale of 10 acres or more, with disclosure of the sale price, the buyer and the intended use of the property. Guy Kaulukukui from The Kohala Center spoke about the Hawai'i Island Food Self Reliance Project. The microphone was then passed to those in the audience who wanted to share a description of their sustainability-related projects.
The gentle breeze of the late summer evening carried the sweet sound of music by Sugah Daddy. Soothing harp chords by Moses, and other spontaneous, inspired musical offerings all blended together organically providing background for the talk story that lingered inside and outside the theatre.
Mahalo to Honoka'a People's Theatre, those who volunteered, and to all who came out in support of local sustainability.